3 Pound Italian Bee Packages for pick up on April 26, 2025
Please note and agree to the following before ordering packages. Our packages and nucs are PICKUP only in Central Illinois (address below)
Your order indicates your acceptance of our policy.
1. We recommend that only those within a 2 hour radius purchase our bees.
2. Please take a class so you are correctly prepared and knowledgeable about bees and beekeeping before picking up our livestock.
3. We have one pick up date for packages scheduled. Bees in packages are highly perishable so they must be picked up on the date above, we are sorry, no exceptions. (Can't make it? Send your buddy, a friend from your bee club, or you're welcome to resale it.)
5. We will send further information via email on how to best care for them and transport the packages. Please read as user error will not be covered. We need your correct email and please check it. Also check your spam.
6. We may have extra packages for sale that day, it is a cash only sale. No equipment available for purchase that day, please plan to order and have shipped any items you may need for your apiary.
7. Cancellation policy: You can cancel up to April 1 with a refund - 10% restocking fee. No cancellations after 4/1/.
3 Pound package Italian bees with unmarked mated queen for sale. State inspected. Illinois tax is charged for tangible products.
The date for 2025 year's pick up is Sat., April 26
The time for 2025 year's pick up is from 9 am - 11am Central Time
Note: This date can change. We put the pick up date on the top of our homepage. Do not come to pick up packages until you have checked the front page and see the "all clear" signal. If the date changes, we will alert you on the front homepage of our website.
The address for pick up is. 14556 N 1020 East Rd
Fairmount IL 61841
Note: This is a private residence and not a store.
It is curbside pick up. You will enter the line in your car, wait your turn, and we put the bees into your car for you. We brush off all the stragglers (but please know that sometimes there's a hitchhiker or two we can't see) and do all the work for you! Please bring protective gear if you are uncomfortable around bees, a bee brush and perhaps invest in one of those nets that you can put around packages. It's better to leave your pets and kiddies at home.
These bees need AIR and to be KEPT COOL. Do not put into crates, tupperware or wrap in blankets or sheets. Keep the bees at the same temperatures as you. This probably means the back seat/floor of your car. Get them home quickly and install.
We expect you to be knowledgeable about bees and to have taken a class on equipment, hive placement, inspection techniques, pests & diseases and current treatments. You will need to find out any laws or regulations, including insurance in your town and county.