Beekeeping Inspection Guide DOWNLOADABLE ITEM

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Beekeeping Inspection Guide

Years ago EAS Certified Master Beekeeper, David Burns, created an inspection sheet to help new beginners navigate through understanding what to look for when performing hive inspections.

Over the years David has continued to use this inspection sheet. He recently expanded it into an easy to follow 11 page Inspection Guide. More than most traditional inspection sheets, David's

guide explains what you should be looking for, how to record important numbers to help you gain vital data from you hive so you can take the next step to better your hive's future.


This is an 11 page electronic document (.pdf) that you will download and print. This is not a printed book that we ship. Because once you purchase this item you have immediate access, there

is no refund once you've purchased this item. David has worked hard on this inspection guide and he believes you will not be disappointed. So many beekeepers are so new that when they

inspect their hives they simply do not understand what to look for and how to decide if the hive is okay or not. This guide will walk you through how to collect the information you need to

make a wise decision for your next step.


A link to download the file will be sent to you in your email receipt. If you do not see the email, please check your spam box. If you have any problems downloading this document once you make your

purchase, please email us at: and we will assist you on receiving your purchase. Thank you in advance.