Raising Quality Queens Booklet by David Burns and Dr Jon Zawislak

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Note: Full size, glossy, full color pictures.You can get a free pdf download of this booklet through the University of Arkansas, however, for those who wish to have a color edition, or do not have the ability to print it, we have made this copy available to our customers. 

Raising Quality Queens was co-authored by David Burns, EAS Certified Master Beekeeper who is a queen breeder in Illinois and Dr Jon Zawislak, who is assistant professor, Apiculture & Urban Entomology, University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture in Little Rock, Arkansas and EAS Certified Master Beekeeper. 

This booklet is intended for the hobbyist or sideliner beekeeper who would like to raise queens to improve their own yards or for sale and is written in an easy to understand format. Both David and Jon are available for questions. David has many YouTube videos on queen rearing, as well as an online workshop, available through the website at honeybeesonline.com.  This booklet includes the shipping USPS media rate and takes about 3 weeks to arrive. SPANISH EDITION AVAILABLE, JUST ASK!


Selective Breeding for Better Queens

Biology of Bee Breeding

The Starter Hive

Grafting Bee Larvae

Finisher Hives

Mating Nucs

Caging Queens

Banking Queens

Shipping Queens

Record Keeping

Cloake Board Method

Introducing Queens